'Into the Tempest' argues for a transnational popular project that leads to globalization from below
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Greta’s Song: ‘I want you to panic!’
Composed and performed by The Sweet Janes, a duo based in Innsbruck, Austria.
Disrupting the nitrogen cycle: Articles on a major metabolic rift
How the global nitrogen cycle has been disrupted by an economic system that values profits more than life itself.
Keep It In The Ground!
Produced by Bill Carroll, a musician and ecosocialist activist from Victoria, British Columbia.
How Capitalism ‘Solved’ the Nitrogen Crisis (continued)
Part Four of Ian Angus’s examination of the disruption of the global nitrogen cycle by an economic system that values profits more than life itself.
When will the world’s wells run out of water?
Within three decades, almost 80% of the lands that depend on groundwater will start to reach their natural irrigation limits as the wells run dry.
Hands off Greta Thunberg!
Defenders of capitalism, joined by some on the left, are attacking the young woman who has become the symbol of a mass movement. Our place is by her side.
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, October 2019
New books for reds and greens. Climate Change Guide; After Geoengineering; Environment & Health; Canada’s Climate Failure; Whose Water is it? Air Travel.
Millions of years of low CO2 … until now
In Facing the Anthropocene, I showed that CO2 levels are higher than they have been for 800,000 years. New research extends that to 2.6 million years
Socialism is the only realistic solution to climate change
Capitalism will not and cannot prevent climate disaster. A socialist response at governmental and societal level is an historic necessity.