Latest Articles

Triple Crisis in the Anthropocene Ocean, Part One

Corrosive Seas

Scientists call them a ‘deadly trio.’ If acidification, oxygen loss, and overheating are not ended soon, a massive die-off of ocean life may be unstoppable.

Reading Matters

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, September 2020

Five new books and an essential magazine! Science for People; Katrina’s History; Small Farm Future; Mass Migration; Energy and Work; China’s Environmental Crisis

Red & green reading

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2020

New books on fungi, climate & capital, food, bluefin tuna, & Cuban agriculture. PLUS new translations of Facing the Anthropocene, and two recent C&C book reviews

Pandemic responses

Covid-19: Asian contrasts and lessons

Some Asian countries have effectively contained the disease, while others have dramatically failed. What's behind the differences?