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Shocked and appalled

Part of the price one pays for being an editor is having to read occasional letters from crackpots.

Get the frack out of here!

Hydraulic fracturing, sure, it's making you a buck, While the rest of us get sick and die and you just say “tough luck.”

Food plan will feed corporate hunger

Contrary to Australian government claims, the proposed food plan is a recipe for increasing vulnerability, lack of resilience and heightened inequality in our food system.

McKibben's climate math is too narrow and too broad

McKibben is right to point to the fossil fuel industry as an enemy, but his argument is both too narrow and too broad. He ignores the role of the U.S. military, and fails to focus his fire on the dirtiest fuels.

We can't put a price on nature

The executive director of Food & Water Watch says advocates of the 'green economy' are promoting the same old dirty economy under a new banner