The mining giant lied more than 20,000 times
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Arctic ice melt, psychopathic capitalism, and the corporate media
Corporate media, which ought to be sounding the alarm, continues to deny or minimize the danger of climate catastrophe. Greens and lefts must build independent alternatives.
Barry Commoner: scientist, activist, radical ecologist
“If the environment is polluted and the economy is sick, the virus that causes both will be found in the system of production. And that is where their cure can be found as well.”
Do carbon offsets reduce emissions?
Some sincere environmentalists believe that markets in carbon offsets will slow climate change. In fact, as Chris Lang of REDD-Monitor explains, carbon offsets are at best a zero sum game.
'The greatest environmentalist of the 20th century'
Articles and quotes honoring and remembering Barry Commoner, 1917-2012
A 1970 call for mass action against polluters
From the archives: "We must build a movement which can combat pollution not only on the street and in the factories, but in solidarity with every other struggle against the ruling class."
Barry Commoner: 'Pollution begins in the boardroom, not the bedroom'
When most writers were blaming individual behaviour or overpopulation for pollution, this pioneering radical environmentalist exposed the role of capitalism and profit.
Counting the lies told by lying liars at News Corp.
Climate change vs food security: a bleak future for the poor
For developing countries, a future of more frequent and intense extreme weather, reducing food availability and raising prices, means a downward spiral of worsening food insecurity and deepening poverty.
Carbon trade markets collapsing
Carbon trading was supposed to save the climate, but it's all hot air