The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.
Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.
If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.
- United States and Brazil: The New Ethanol Allianceby Raúl Zibechi Translated by Laura Carlsen from: Estados Unidos y Brasil: La nueva alianza etanol for the IRC Americas Program Raúl Zibechi is a member of the Editorial Council of the weekly Brecha de Montevideo, teacher and researcher of social movements at the Multiversidad Franciscana de América Latina, and adviser to social groups. He is ...---READ-->>
- Marxism versus ‘Anxiety-Driven Ecological Catastrophism’?From “Notes from the Editors” in the March 2007 Monthly Review. Our friends Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, editors of the Socialist Register, have recently published Coming to Terms with Nature: Socialist Register, 2007 (Monthly Review Press, 2006), which includes contributions by a distinguished group of analysts addressing crucial environmental issues—dealing with everything from “fossil capitalism” ...---READ-->>
- Next IPCC Report Predicts Droughts, Flooding, Disease“Global warming” is just the beginning, and it may be the least of the problems caused by greenhouse gases. Capitalism is really fouling things up. WASHINGTON – (Associated Press, March 11, 2007) The harmful effects of global warming on daily life are already showing up, and within a couple of decades hundreds of millions of people ...---READ-->>
- Hot Topics in the NewsClimate Change and Human Health … Bangladesh Already Feels the Heat … The Big Green Fuel Lie … Biofuels and the Cost of Food. Recent articles from various sources for the activists’ arsenal. A Cost of Climate Change that Can’t Be Counted in Dollars – Survival QUOTE: “Much of the early public debate about climate change focused ...---READ-->>
- Socialist Candidate Speaks on Climate ChangeSpeech by Pip Hinman, Socialist Alliance candidate for Marrickville, New South Wales, Australia, to a candidates’ meeting organized by Marrickville Climate Change Now! March 6, 2007 The big question in NSW is how to tackle the coal question: there are two arguments: there’s the government and Liberal opposition which want to continue with business as usual, ...---READ-->>
- Business As Usual for U.S. EmissionsA leaked report says that U.S. greenhouse gas emissions will grow almost as much in this decade as they did in the last one. The United States Climate Action Report, obtained by the New York Times, was supposed to be released in January 2006, under the terms of the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change. It’s ...---READ-->>
- The Global Blueprint for a Biomass Economyby Almuth Ernsting A year ago, my MEP sent me a curious statement which said that growing biofuels could not just reduce carbon emissions, but would actually cool the planet. I believed that he had been misinformed, perhaps by proponents of the biofuel industry. I was wrong. Those claims, improbable as they are, pervade top scientific ...---READ-->>
- An Activists’ Handbook on Global WarmingFor political grounding and stimulating ideas for action, this small booklet is indispensable. It should be on every socialist campaign stall and bookshelf. UNITY Published by Socialist Worker, New Zealand. December 2006, NZ$5 Order from reviewed by Ben Courtice “System change not climate change” reads the cover of the December edition of the New Zealand Marxist journal Unity. The ...---READ-->>
- The Ethanol ScamBy Robert Bryce The ethanol scam just keeps getting more and more absurd. In January, three U.S. senators — two Democrats, Tom Harkin of Iowa and Barack Obama of Illinois, along with Indiana Republican Richard Lugar — introduced a bill that would promote the use of ethanol. It also mandates the use of more biodiesel and ...---READ-->>
- Venezuela's Green Agenda: Chávez Should Be Named the 'Environmental President'“We are an oil producing country and that obligates us to take even more care of the environment — on an extreme level — and to avoid contamination, and to reduce contamination in all areas: earth, water and air.” – President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, February 24, 2007. By Eva Golinger Did anyone from Greenpeace or Earth ...---READ-->>
- Another UN Climate Change Report …and Other Recommended ReadingFollowing closely on the the better-publicized IPCC Report, another UN-related group, the Scientific Expert Group on Climate Change and Sustainable Development, yersterday released Confronting Climate Change: Avoiding the Unmanageable and Managing the Unavoidable. It’s well worth reading, despite the authors’ naïve advocacy of emissions trading as a solution. ”Two starkly different futures diverge from this time ...---READ-->>
- Canadian Left Views on Climate ChangeClimate and Capitalism previously featured Confronting the Climate Change Crisis, which was first published in the e-zine Socialist Voice. The following articles reflect the views of three other Canadian left-wing groups: the International Socialists, the New Socialist Group, and the New Democratic Party. International Socialists From Socialist Worker, February 13, 2007 Will Kyoto Be Enough? As we approach the ...---READ-->>
- Exploding the Myths of “Carbon Offsets”Carbon offsets are the modern day indulgences, sold to an increasingly carbon conscious public to absolve their climate sins. Scratch the surface, however, and a disturbing picture emerges, where creative accountancy and elaborate shell games cover up the impossibility of verifying genuine climate change benefits, and where communities in the South often have little choice ...---READ-->>
- Is the New UN Global Warming Report Too Conservative?It’s not surprising that the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has generated controversy. What’s surprising is that the people challenging it aren’t the usual global warming deniers, but leading climatologists who view this new IPCC report as too conservative, underestimating the risks of global climate change. by Brett Clark and John Bellamy ...---READ-->>
- The War Machine is Addicted to Oilby Ian Angus Some statistics from Energy Bulletin: The US Air Force has 5,986 aircraft. The US Navy has 285 combat and support ships, and about 4,000 operational aircraft. The US Army has about 28,000 armored vehicles 4,000 combat helicopters and several hundred airplanes. In addition, the Army and the Marines have about 140,000 “High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles.” On top ...---READ-->>
- The Dialectics of Climate Changeby Roy Wilkes Greenhouse gas emissions are arguably the most dangerous by-product of capitalist accumulation. They constitute a cancer which is attacking the vital organs of our ecosystem. And like the most dangerous of cancers, its full impact will not become apparent until after it is too late. There are two reasons for this: time lag ...---READ-->>
- Carbon Neutralityby Ian Angus I recently heard a radio interview with one of my favorite Canadian bands, the Barenaked Ladies. Much of the discussion concerned their efforts to be carbon neutral by investing in various projects that supposedly offset the greenhouse gases they create while touring. I’ve been a fan of BNL since they were playing in church ...---READ-->>
- The Engine of Eco Collapse: Jared Diamond Ignores His Own LessonsJared Diamond: Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (New York: Viking, 2005) reviewed by by Richard Smith For decades, environmentalists who warned of impending disasters were dismissed as extremists and alarmists. No more. Today, all the mainstream of scientific organizations, notable corporate CEOs, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and even the ...---READ-->>
- Green Lefts and Left Greens Perspectives on Climate Disaster…by Dave Riley The almost universal deference now reluctantly being paid in the establishment forums to the actuality of climate change presents us with a major opportunity to advance the ideological envelope. What is required is a very open and public discussion about what we need to do about this impending disaster. While there is a shallow ...---READ-->>
- Human Rights Commission to Hear Inuit Challenge to U.S. on Global WarmingThe InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights has agreed to hear an unprecedented challenge to U.S. policy on greenhouse gas emissions. As reported in the article below, a delegation representing Inuit peoples from the US, Canada, Russia and Greenland will argue that global warming is destroying their way of life and that the United States is ...---READ-->>