Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • The IPCC and the Conservatism of Consensus
    By Ian Angus Climate change deniers frequently argue that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change represents extreme voices with a vested interested in overstating the problem of global warming. A recent National Post editorial said the IPCC is “as alarmist as any scientific committee could be.” (March 22) This week, another editorial in the same paper ...
  • Contraction and Convergence: An Exchange
    We published Roy Wilkes’ article Is ‘Contraction and Convergence’ the Answer to Climate Change? on March 30. Here’s a reply from Aubrey Meyer, the original developer of the Contraction and Convergence model, and a response from Roy Wilkes. Aubrey Meyer said… The challenge of human causation of climate change has raised the stakes in questions of human ...
  • Joel Kovel Speaks in Toronto
    TORONTO, MARCH 4, 2007: Joel Kovel, author of The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World? and co-author of “The Ecosocialist Manifesto,” spoke in Toronto last night. A recording of Joel Kovel’s talk is posted online HERE. His talk, “A Very Inconvenient Truth: The Left After Kyoto,” was sponsored by the ...
  • IPCC's Latest Conclusions on Climate Change Impact Start to Leak Out
    by Richard Ingham Climate change will inflict steadily rising costs that could become astronomical if greenhouse gas emissions rise unabated and countries delay preparations for the likely impacts, UN experts will say next week. Their vast report will shed light on the costs from heightened water stress, tropical storms, floods, droughts, species loss and human disease ...
  • Marx’s Concept of Social Metabolism and Ecosocialist Responses to Climate Change
    by Daniel Tanuro A speech presented at the “Ecosocialism or Barbarism” conference in London, December 2, 2006. Daniel Tanuro is the ecological correspondent of La Gauche, the newspaper of the Belgian Socialist Workers Party. Video of this talk and others at the December 2006 Ecosocialism or Barbarism conference can be viewed at Revolutionary Marxists have been ...
  • How High Will the Waters Rise? Part Two
    by Ian Angus The IPCC’s estimates are not the worst case scenario. Far from it. In a previous article, I noted that attempts to compare the IPCC’s forecast of rising ocean levels with those offered by Al Gore in The Inconvenient Truth involved a severe case of apples and oranges. Most importantly, Gore’s figure included the impact of ...
  • The Sheep Albedo Effect
    Don’t let those IPCC charlatans fool you. Now we know what really causes global warming. (Even climate scientists celebrate April 1.)
  • Capitalism and the Consequences of Biofuels
    Regardless of the debate over the sustainability of biofuels, in today’s world the use of biofuels has led to horrific consequences for the people of the world and the environment From Revolution Newspaper Online, March 25, 2007. About the time when capitalism was first putting humanity on the road to the global warming we face today, ...
  • Is 'Contraction and Convergence' the Answer to Climate Change?
    C&C promises to deliver the alchemists’ dream of saving the environment without disturbing capitalism too much. Not only do the rich get to stay rich, but world poverty is eliminated into the bargain. by Roy Wilkes From Socialist Resistance, March-April 2007 When Tony Blair said recently that he won’t be cutting back on his own long haul holiday ...
  • Fidel Castro on Biofuel and World Hunger
    by Fidel Castro May 28 2007 More than three million people in the world condemned to premature death from hunger and thirst. That is not an exaggerated figure, but rather a cautious one. I have meditated a lot on that in the wake of President Bush’s meeting with U.S. automobile manufacturers. The sinister idea of converting food into fuel ...
  • How High Will the Waters Rise? Part One
    by Ian Angus Canada’s National Post was positively gleeful. The New York Times (which the Post normally views as a hotbed of liberalism) criticized Al Gore (not only a liberal but a global warming fanatic) for fudging his numbers: he New York Times (of all papers) ran a front page story questioning the “facts” contained in Mr. ...
  • Ecology and Climate Change: Neo-Liberal Strategies and Socialist Responses
    by Andy Kilmister from Socialist Outlook, Spring 2007 Introduction Anybody politically active in the area of ecological struggles, particularly climate change, will have noticed a striking paradox. On the one hand we have exceptionally radical and inspiring ideas, arising from both green and socialist quarters, about the need for a total transformation of society that arises from ...
  • Biofuels: A Lethal Solution
    “It used to be a matter of good intentions gone awry. Now it is plain fraud. The governments using biofuel to tackle global warming know that it causes more harm than good. But they plough on regardless.” Biofuels, mainly ethanol, are being actively promoted by George W. Bush, the European Union, and Canada’s Harper government, as ...
  • Canadians 4 Global Warming
    I don’t usually post videos here, but this is delightful — and right on the mark. Just 2 minutes and 48 seconds — Enjoy!
  • Full Tanks at the Cost of Empty Stomachs: The Expansion of the Sugarcane Industry in Latin America
    Statement prepared by Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement (MST) SAO PAULO, FEBRUARY 28, 2007: We, representatives of organizations and social movements of Brazil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic, gathered at a forum on the expansion of the sugarcane industry in Latin America, declare that: The current model of production of bioenergy is sustained by ...
  • Exploding the “Emissions Intensity” Hoax
    By Ian Angus As I’ve written previously, the Climate Change Denial Industry is still active despite the IPCC Report — but it’s also true that it has become unfashionable as an explicit political stance, at least in Canada. After years of inaction, politicians of every stripe are actively seeking to outdo each other in pledges to ...
  • Canadian Dimension: A 12 Step Program to Combat Climate Change
    Continuing our series of articles and statements reflecting a variety of “Left Views on Climate Change.” Canadian Dimension, founded in 1963, describes itself as “a magazine which shows there is an alternative to the corporate agenda and the dictates of the global market; that the dream of a better society is still alive.”The March-April 2007 issue features ...
  • 'Acts of God' or Products of the System?
    by Zoe Kenny In early February, rains that flooded up to 70% of Jakarta and displaced some 450,000 people began. Across Indonesia, 85 people died, according to a March 12 Agence France-Presse report. Bloomberg’s wire service reported on March 6 that, according to government estimates, the floods caused a direct economic loss of “at least 5.2 ...
  • Climate Change Denial: The Swindle Continues
    By Ian Angus Last month’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that the science is absolutely clear. Climate change is real and human activity is the primary cause. That ended the debate, right? Wrong. Anyone who expects rational behaviour from the most vehement defenders of the badly-misnamed “free enterprise system” will be sadly disappointed. ...
  • British Airways' Offset Greenwash
    Eighteen months ago, in September 2005, British Airways announced a plan that allowed travellers to “offset” their travel-generated emissions by paying to have trees planted. Anyone care to guess the total impact so far? Assuming that the offsets actually did what they were said to do (not a safe assumption) — in 18 months, the British ...