"Bridging the gap between Earth System science and ecological Marxism, Ian Angus examines not only the latest scientific findings about the causes and consequences of the Anthropocene, but also the social and economic trends that underlie the crisis."
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Greenhouse Gas Escalation, Illustrated
We don't need models or computer projections. As these graphics show, we already face a planetary emergency, and it is getting more serious every day.
Cowspiracy: stampeding in the wrong direction
By focusing on veganism to the exclusion of all else, Cowspiracy implies that anyone who eats meat isn't a ‘proper’ environmentalist. This is deeply offensive and elitist, and it harms the movement we need to build.
Specter of geoengineering haunts Paris climate deal
To avoid challenging the fossil fuel profiteers, the Paris negotiators bet on untested and dangerous geoengineering technologies.
Flint’s poisoned water and capital’s second contradiction
The politicians who poisoned the water supply in Flint are as bad as they come, but it's the system they serve that makes such disasters inevitable.
Essential reading on the Paris climate agreement
The first draft of history: An annotated guide to thirty-four of the best articles on the COP21 Paris Agreement on climate change.
Anthropocene Working Group:
Yes, a new epoch has begun
Experts agree: Changes since 1950 rival those that ended the last ice age. The Holocene is over, and the Anthropocene has begun.
Top 10 C&C articles of 2015 … and of all time
There are now 2,064 articles on the Climate & Capitalism website. These are the most-read of 2015, and the most-read since 2007. How many have you read?
Ground zero of climate change
The coastal and island nations of the Asia-Pacific have contributed the least to global climate change, but suffer the most from climate breakdown and disaster capitalism
Film: Scotland’s Landscape of Fear
Liam Young examines the causes of environmental damage in Scotland and the impact communities can have when they take control of their own resources.