Janet Biehl’s engrossing biography shows that Bookchin, an unlikely social theorist and radical philosopher, produced an important body of work of lasting significance.
Latest Posts
Colonialism, Racism and the Global Dust Bowl of the 1930s
An important new paper challenges prevalent conceptions of the Dust Bowl, in which colonial and racial-domination aspects of the crisis are invisible, and affirms the necessity of deeper conceptions of environmental (in)justice.
Millions face drought and famine in Southern Africa
Worst drought in 35 years causes crop failures, widespread malnutrition in 10 countries. More than 640,000 drought-related livestock deaths have been reported due to lack of pasture, lack of water and disease outbreaks.
How the Great Acceleration has changed the planet
An important history of the Anthropocene updates the classic 'Something New Under the Sun.' It describes how our world has been transformed since 1945, but avoids discussing why.
‘Capitalism in the Web of Life’ – A Critique
Kamran Nayeri argues that Jason W. Moore's theories involve major departures from Marxism, and do not themselves provide a coherent alternative approach to understanding capitalism's impact on the natural world.
A Radical Alternative to Capitalist Catastrophe
A valuable introduction to the development of Marxist thinking on the environment, by a leading ecosocialist. Michael Löwy explores proposals for radical change, and concrete experiences of the global struggle against ecocide.
From Tar Sands to Green Jobs?
Canada's carbon emissions cannot be stabilized using plans that are acceptable to the capitalist classes and their interest in endless accumulation. An ambitious vision of ecosocialist alternatives must connect restructuring of work to wider social transformations.
The Anthropocene and Marxism Today
Video: John Bellamy Foster discusses the theoretical and programmatic challenges that the Anthropocene, a dangerous new epoch in planetary history, poses for socialists in the 21st century.
‘Town Halls’ in Toronto challenge Trudeau’s inaction on climate
Canadian activists are finding ways to use the Liberal government's highly restrictive 'consultation' process to demand real action to cut greenhouse gas emissions and stop pipeline projects.
Some comments on Andreas Malm’s ‘Fossil Capital’
Another contribution to C&C's ongoing discussion of Andreas Malm's masterful new book on the origins and current implications of an economic system whose deep dependence on fossil fuels threatens the survival of civilization.