Book Review: Magdoff and Foster have written a valuable guide for people who care about the environment but don’t know what to do, and for Marxists looking to plug into environmental struggles.
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Revolutionizing production, for humanity and the world
Socialism cannot just take over capitalist production and manage it better. The production process itself needs to be radically critiqued, reconceived, overthrown and transformed by the working people themselves, while still maintaining and developing a working economy.
Urgent appeal for Baba Jan, prisoner of climate change
Pakistan socialist Baba Jan has been in prison since September for the 'crime' of helping farmers fight for compensation for flood damage. He and other prisoners have been repeatedly beaten and tortured, and are denied visitors and medical care. Join us in demanding justice for these climate...
'When civilizations start to die they go insane'
Chris Hedges on the implosion of capitalism: The quest by a bankrupt elite in the final days of empire to accumulate greater and greater wealth, as Karl Marx observed, is modern society’s version of primitive fetishism. It leads to mounting repression, increased human suffering, a collapse of...
Australia: Country and city unite against fracking
The largest anti-fracking demonstration yet confronted the state government in Sydney, Australia, on May 1. As many as 10,000 rural and urban activists marched to protect land and water from the Coal Seam Gas exploiters.
Video: Is REDD a real solution for deforestation?
The UN and the World Bank say that REDD will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by rewarding forest owners in the South for not cutting down trees. This new animated film shows that the reality is very different.
Alberta Election: Big Oil defeats Big Oil
The recent Alberta election was a welcome setback for bigots and climate change deniers, but big oil won anyway. Once again, there is a majority government that is absolutely committed to a massive increase in the exploitation of the tar sands.
Video: One million climate jobs now!
The Trade Union Group of the UK Campaign against Climate Change is organising a Climate Jobs Caravan in England and Scotland in May. This inspiring video sets out the caravan’s message.
India: Traditional tribal farming beats climate change
In an Indian village ravaged by climate change, some small farmers are prospering by returning to traditional farming methods such as mixed cropping, the use of organic fertilisers and trusted seed varieties.
Australia's fake debate on climate change
Neither party -- the climate deniers or the climate pretenders -- proposes effective action against greenhouse gas emissions. Both promote more coal. To see why, just follow the money.