For developing countries, a future of more frequent and intense extreme weather, reducing food availability and raising prices, means a downward spiral of worsening food insecurity and deepening poverty.
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Carbon trade markets collapsing
Carbon trading was supposed to save the climate, but it's all hot air
The Great White North isn't green
Canada and climate change by the numbers
A nuanced analysis of China's environmental crises
Judith Shapiro has laid out well the enormous environmental challenges facing the people of China If there is to be a sustainable future, they will have to be at the forefront of fighting for it.
Counterfire review of Too Many People?
Too Many People? rebuts claims that population is the source of environmental crisis. Since capitalism is the problem, the fight for a sustainable society must be at the centre of the struggle against austerity
Pipelines: More lies told by lying liars
You can't believe anything Enbridge says
Behind Bolivia’s nationalization of Canadian mine
Morales' action is a victory for local social movements fighting corporate violence. and a step towards ending 500 years of foreign powers stripping the country of its natural resources.
Call for papers on capitalism and ecological crisis
The Review of Radical Political Economics is going to publish a special issue on “Political Economy of Sustainable Development.”
Why are climate negotiations locked in stalemate?
Pablo Solon and Walden Bello: The biggest polluters don't want a climate agreement. Their public disagreements mask a common desire to continue destructive policies at home and around the world.
Brazilian rural workers mobilize: Unity for land, territory, and dignity!
"We will continue mobilized in unity and struggle and, in combat against our common enemy, we will build a country and a society that is just, compassionate, and sustainable."