Translating climate science into music
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Chevron tries to hide assets from Ecuador judgment
After repeatedly failing to overturn the $19 billion judgment for destroying rain forest, Chevron is now trying to hide its vast wealth in international subsidiaries.
Who defends earth's legacy?
I stand with Alanis Obomsawin, not Joe Oliver
Should Chiapas farmers pay for California's emissions?
To peasants in the Lacandon jungle, the pending carbon offset agreement has all the hallmarks of a land grab. REDD continues the colonial assault on indigenous communities and lifestyles
Oil boom threatens climate catastrophe
If we don’t shut down the Alberta Tar Sands, the world is cooked.
Latin American rural groups urge united action against capital
Peasant communities, indigenous peoples and afro-descendants are today the greatest bastion of rebellion and resistance across the world. Against the looting by capital and empire! For land and sovereignty of our peoples! No socialism without feminism!
Ecuador's president responds to 'leftist' critics
Those who oppose any use of natural resources would condemn our people to perpetual poverty. What's needed is not a ban on development, but a democratic effort to use the country's wealth to benefit the people and the environment
Capitalist democracy, illustrated
Welcome to our level playing field
Poisoning people in Pennsylvania: Business as usual
These nuclear corporations helped to destroy a town and its people. They left behind contaminated land and water and sick and dead residents ... and now they are attacking the victims
Climate change exposes New York's deep class divide
Hurricane Sandy and the suffering it has caused are intimately related to the business that the dark towers of Lower Manhattan symbolize. In the hardest hit areas, Occupy activists are organizing grassroots relief efforts