In the 1920s, the Soviet Union led the world in environmental protection and ecological science. That experience, and its tragic reversal, has important lessons for ecosocialists today.
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IPCC: ‘Severe, widespread, and irreversible impacts’
Eighteen key conclusions from the summary report issued this week by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The IPCC still underestimates the situation
Breaking the power of the fossil fuel industry won’t be easy, especially since it has to happen fast. But, thanks to the IPCC, no one will ever be able to say they weren’t warned.
How can Latin America go beyond ‘extractivism’?
The word was unknown until recently, but now 'extractivism' has become a source of heated debate and confusion. What's really at stake? Federico Fuentes replies to Don Fitz.
The origin of Rosa Luxemburg’s slogan ‘socialism or barbarism’
Historians have offered various explanations, none of which really work. Ian Angus traces an important socialist slogan to its unexpected source.
Naomi Klein: ‘Only mass social movements can save us’
John Riddell reviews 'This Changes Everything' — a rich resource of fact and argument that every climate justice activist should read, use and share.
How Bolivia is leading the global fight against climate disaster
Despite being small, landlocked and poor, Bolivia is punching way above its weight in confronting the climate crisis and formulating radical solutions
Hansen’s ‘fee and dividend’ plan: An exchange
Should the proceeds of a tax on fossil fuels be spent on social programs or distributed? Ian Angus and Michael Friedman discuss climate change exit strategy
Drawing a line in the tar sands
Book Review: Why opposition to the Alberta Tar Sands is central to the climate justice movement ... and how this campaign is transforming activism itself
E.P. Thompson on human nature and socialism
A 1960 passage that is even more relevant today ...