Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Video, audio
Darwin: ‘Commonsense and Wonder’
Greta’s Song: ‘I want you to panic!’
Keep It In The Ground!
The Discovery and Rediscovery of Metabolic Rift
‘An important contribution to the fight to stop capitalist destruction’
Fred Magdoff on Climate Change, Capitalism, and Socialism
Atmospheric carbon dioxide level hits all-time high
Fossil capitalism, ecosocialism, and the Anthropocene crisis
Science for the People relaunches with special issue on geoengineering
Marx’s ecological critique of political economy
Video: Ian Angus on the Anthropocene and ecosocialism
Video: Ian Angus on the Crisis of the Earth System
Enbridge Mercenaries Attack Native American Protesters
Science, Socialism and the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene and Marxism Today
Video: Ian Angus introduces ‘Facing the Anthropocene’
Understanding and confronting the great inequality
Film: Scotland’s Landscape of Fear
Climate change: It’s going to take a revolution
Naomi Klein: Capitalism and the Climate
NASA: More emissions = More megadroughts
400 ppm – an eco-political music video
Bugger the Bankers
Revitalized climate movement draws 20,000 to London protest
Visualizing the global water crisis
Why greens must be red and reds must be green
The wrong people are in charge
Petrolify. Is this medicine right for you?
Stopping global warming: Three steps and a vision
Why markets can’t fix the climate crisis
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews