Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Meetings & Events
COP or CON? Big Conservation corrupts biodiversity protection
Davos and the melting world economy
British anticapitalist group calls for broad ecosocialist movement
Crisis in the Amazon: A Planetary Challenge
For an egalitarian, cooperative road to ecosocialism!
First meeting of Global Ecosocialist Network issues Covid-19 statement
Packed NYC meeting celebrates relaunch of Science for the People
Barry Commoner’s Science for the People
ATTAC: For food sovereignty, against ‘free trade’ agreements
The nearly carbon-free climate justice conference
Facing the Anthropocene: September book launch events
Expert panel: The Anthropocene epoch has definitely begun
Climate & Capitalism editor on Australian speaking tour, April 30-May 14
An ecosocialist at the ‘Our Common Future’ conference
Naomi Klein, Vatican unite to fight climate change
Avaaz and Greenpeace spread G7 climate illusions
How to trivialize the new epoch
ITUC calls global union climate summit
Rural activists in Latin America call for socialism
Mining, energy, climate, capitalism: Why don’t NGOs connect the dots?
Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology
Declaration of South African Food Sovereignty Campaign
SCNCC: Convention, Jan. 31-Feb. 1
Peoples Climate Summit speaks for the exploited and oppressed
Why greens must be red and reds must be green
Evo Morales: ‘Our liberation is for the whole of humanity’
Stopping global warming: Three steps and a vision
Conference to examine capital and climate change
A new stage for ecosocialist unity and action
Towards a European Ecosocialist Action Network
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews