"We don’t know how long we have before climate change goes from dangerous to extremely dangerous...
Tag - Ian Angus
Climate & Capitalism editor on Australian speaking tour...
C&C will be taking a break while Ian Angus speaks at ecosocialist meetings in seven Australian...
Population and food sovereignty: An exchange
Ian Angus replies to a reader. If 'overpopulation' is not a primary cause of global environmental...
Book Announcement: ‘Facing the Anthropocene’
"Bridging the gap between Earth System science and ecological Marxism, Ian Angus examines not only...
Anthropocene Working Group: Yes, a new epoch has begun
Experts agree: Changes since 1950 rival those that ended the last ice age. The Holocene is over...
Ian Angus: COP21, the climate crisis, and ecosocialism
Interview with Climate & Capitalism editor: The environmental question is the most important...