An ecosocialist perspective for UK Greens

The political strategy of the Green Party assumes that politics just means fighting elections. This is a doomed approach. We will only win elections by building a movement, and we will never build much of a movement by simply fighting elections.

Bookchin on Bookchin: An appeal for support

An appeal for support to "Bookchin on Bookchin," a documentary on the life and ideas of a legendary political thinker, philosopher, anarchist and environmental activist.

Forty years of How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

Walter Rodney's classic study led to a veritable revolution in the teaching of African history. It remains one of the most compelling and persuasive books to emerge from the bowels of critical resistance to the exploitation of small countries.

Bolivian activists: This is not "The future we want"

All governments must reject this agreement and halt the negotiations process until concrete commitments are made to replace the neo-liberal model with one based on fair development in harmony with nature and the philosophy of Living Well (Vivir Bien)

Lethal ingredients in the Rio+20 mocktail

The advocates of Green Economy never acknowledge that today’s crises have been caused by dangerously polluting industries, the extractive mining sector, chemical industries or industrial agriculture, and carefully ignore the new approaches proposed...