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The Forgotten Legacy of Carl Schorlemmer

Marx and Engels and the Red Chemist

Accounts of Marx and Engels’s lives ignore Carl Schorlemmer's influence on their studies of the natural sciences. It is time to acknowledge his rightful place in the socialist tradition.

The Anthropocene Formula

The terrifying mathematics of the Anthropocene

For four billion years, one formula summarized global change. That has changed in just four decades, and if we don't act quickly, human civilization may not survive.

movement building

Climate crisis: There is only one way out

Climate catastrophe can only be averted if people around the globe unite in the biggest, broadest, most effective global social movement the world has ever seen

Reading from the Left

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, March 2017

Three important new books on the growing global environmental crisis, and two that mark the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution ... Peter Wadhams, Razmig Keucheyan, Orrin Pilkey, Neil Faulkner, Paul Le Blanc, David Mandel

Left Renewal

Socialist tendency formed in Australian Green Party

"We need an internationalist perspective of climate justice that recognizes that we are all a part of the global ecosystem. We can only resolve climate change by achieving climate justice. None of us are free, until we are all free."

Lessons from Galileo

Will scientists rebel against Trumpism?

The call for a March for Science on Earth Day is a major step forward in the fight to reverse Trump's anti-science agenda and to build support for science in the public good.