New report shows that recent extreme weather could not have happened without warming caused by human-induced climate change.
Latest Articles
Ocean warming sets new records year after year
The oceans are heating up faster than predicted, and the speed is accelerating. Expect higher seas, stronger storms, and extreme precipitation.
A Call for Ecological Medicine
The health of Earth's ecosystem is the foundation of all health. Individuals cannot live healthy or happy lives in poisoned ecosystems and unhealthy communities.
‘Dust Bowls of Empire’ exposes capital’s global assault on the land
The 1930s Dust Bowl presaged today’s global ecological crises. Hannah Holleman’s brilliant new book shows how and why capital destroys the soil that all life depends on.
Warming hiatus: The climate change myth that refuses to die
Climate science deniers say warming stopped from 1998 to 2013, and temperatures are now falling. Both claims are blatantly false.
The top 15 C&C articles in 2018 … and the all-time top 5
The 137 articles we published in Climate & Capitalism this year were read by more people than ever before. These were the most popular ...
Why Ecosocialism? A discussion of the case for a red-green future
Michael Löwy initiates a wide-ranging debate on the great transition from capitalist destruction to a just and sustainable future
New study: Greenhouse gas is more dangerous than regulators thought
New evidence not only strengthens the EPA’s 2009 endangerment finding, it shows that greenhouse gas impacts could be much worse than expected
A lesson from the yellow vests: Carbon taxes burn workers
Jonathan Neale says climate activists must reject climate taxes: they harm the poor, and do little to actually slow climate change
Left-wing Quebec party will focus on climate change
Québec solidaire, which won 16% of the popular vote in October, will make climate change its main political campaign in the coming year