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The Royal Society's tunnel vision on population and poverty

The Royal Society's People and the Planet report is rich in numbers but sadly lacking in social analysis or understanding. It doesn't explain poverty or the environmental crisis ... but it does expose the narrowness of populationist thought.

The petroleum-powered propaganda machine

The corporate-funded propaganda campaign designed to hoodwink the public and prevent any concerted public action on climate change has been remarkably successful.

We will not let this pipeline cross our land!

Wet'suwet'en people in British Columbia condemn the proposed Pacific Trail natural gas pipeline. "We will stop them at our traditional boundary lines and prevent them from proceeding with plans on our territories."

Australia: 7,000 march against fracking

Video: 7,000 people took to the streets in Lismore, New South Wales, on May 12 in a colorful and outspoken action against Coal Seam Gas Mining in the Northern Rivers region.

Capitalism's destructive quest for extreme energy

To keep the fuel flowing, oil companies are radically increasing the potential for environmental catastrophe. The fight against extreme energy is also a fight against the very soul of an irrational system.

Gateway pipeline threatens our way of life

From a First Nations perspective, it doesn't matter whether we stand on the coast of B.C. or in the heart of the oilsands - our struggle is largely one and the same. We don't want our lands, our rights, or our people to be sidelined and destroyed by...