Sandy causes a minor housing problem for the ultra-rich
Latest Articles
A reactionary 'skeptic' takes his best shot … and misses
Britain's leading Conservative newspaper fires a feeble broadside at Climate & Capitalism
Frankenstorms and climate change: How the 1% created a monster
To slow the monster of runaway, fossil-fueled capitalism that is creating Frankenstorms and much more ecological and social devastation, we need a vision for a completely different social system.
Inequality by the numbers
Fewer than 1% of adults own 70% of all wealth
Stop the dash for gas! Activists shut UK power plant
"This action is in defence of the global commons, which are under sustained attack by polluting fossil fuel companies"
The very definition of oil industry madness
Northern Gateway plan: ship oil through an active earthquake zone
Tar sands come to Ontario: No Line 9!
Join me at this important day of resistance, education, and alternatives in Toronto, November 17
Video: Exposing the REDD hoax
The UN promotes a perverse and potentially genocidal forest offset scam
Feminism and the global fight for food sovereignty
Although La Via Campesina was initially formed and led by men, rural women have dramatically increased their participation in all levels and activities of the global peasant organization. A feminist perspective has emerged as a fundamental component...
Stop land grabbing for agribusiness in Mozambique
National Peasants Union: "We vehemently condemn any initiative which aims to resettle communities and expropriate the land of peasants to give way to mega farming projects for monocrop production"