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Carbon Pricing

What's Wrong With Carbon Offsets and Carbon Trading?

These days, everyone professes concern about climate change. And with the advent of the Kyoto Protocol, the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, and carbon ‘offsets’, it looks like governments and corporations are at last starting to do something about the problem.But are they? Or are these...

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Australia Nuclear

APEC Fails on Climate Change, Pushes Nukes

By Zoe Kenny From Green Left Weekly, September 14, 2007 Despite the media fanfare, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, held in Sydney on September 8 and 9, achieved next to nothing in combating global warming. The key outcome was the adoption of the “Sydney Declaration” — which amounts to...

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Climate Change

Climate Change Refugees

By Terry J. Allen Posted September 5, 2007, on In These Times It has already started. The first ripples from rising seas are inundating low-lying areas, threatening coasts and islands. Climate refugees around the world are fleeing regions beset by violent storms, extreme temperatures, melting...

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Climate Change

Are Dangerous Warming Levels Inevitable?

Scientists no longer debate whether global warming is happening. The big scientific questions now are how bad it will be, and what can be done. LONDON, September 11 (Reuters) — The world will probably exceed a global warming limit which the European Union calls dangerous, scientists at...

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Meetings & Events

The APEC Declaration on Climate Change

This brilliant example of weasel wording reaches its zenith with the promise to “work towards achieving an APEC-wide regional aspirational goal of a reduction in energy intensity.”I considered writing a satirical commentary on this – but what could be more devastating than the text...

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Australia Canada & Quebec

Caution: Hypocrites At Work

Globe and Mail columnist Jeffrey Simpson on climate change talks at the APEC meeting… That Kyoto miscreants Australia and Canada should be considered driving forces toward a communiqué consensus on climate change ranges between the laughable and the hypocritical.Australia never signed the...

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