The recent Alberta election was a welcome setback for bigots and climate change deniers, but big oil won anyway. Once again, there is a majority government that is absolutely committed to a massive increase in the exploitation of the tar sands.
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Video: One million climate jobs now!
The Trade Union Group of the UK Campaign against Climate Change is organising a Climate Jobs Caravan in England and Scotland in May. This inspiring video sets out the caravan’s message.
India: Traditional tribal farming beats climate change
In an Indian village ravaged by climate change, some small farmers are prospering by returning to traditional farming methods such as mixed cropping, the use of organic fertilisers and trusted seed varieties.
Australia's fake debate on climate change
Neither party -- the climate deniers or the climate pretenders -- proposes effective action against greenhouse gas emissions. Both promote more coal. To see why, just follow the money.
Shell oil spill in Nigeria: at least 60 times bigger than claimed
Shell admits spilling 260,000 litres of oil in Bodo, Nigeria, in 2008, but independent experts say it was at least 7.8 million litres, and possibly over 49 million. After three years, Shell has not cleaned up the oil or paid compensation.
Dave Foreman’s Man Swarm: Defending wildlife by attacking immigrants
Ian Angus reviews Dave Foreman's new book, Man Swarm and the Killing of Wildlife. It's a compendium of every anti-human (and especially anti-immigrant) argument you’ll ever hear from a self-proclaimed conservationist.
An appeal to some supporters of women's rights: Please stop promoting the 7 Billion scare
When you invoke the language of “overpopulation,” of “too many people,” of “can’t feed 'em, don’t breed em,” you promote programs that profoundly harm women of color, poor women, indigenous women, and women in the global south.
Black Tide: The devastating impact of the gulf oil spill
A devastating indictment of the oil and drilling industry, and of the politicians and political appointees who failed to protect the people and environment of the Gulf. An invaluable resource for activists challenging the pro-oil policies of both major U.S. political parties.
How can we build the movement to stop climate change?
Australian climate activist Ben Courtice outlines the state of the climate crisis, official responses, and public awareness, and proposes steps to build an effective mass movement to cut greenhouse gas emissions
BP's Gulf disaster is still destroying human lives
The Gulf oil spill is responsible for the worst public health tragedies investigated by the Government Accountability Project in its 35 years of operation. It will take years to determine the actual number of affected people.