Only mass action can stop barbarism from advancing, and only socialism can definitively defeat it.
Latest Posts
Shell finances violent human rights abusers in Nigeria
Leaked documents show that soldiers, militants and mercenaries receive millions from Shell, while impoverished local residents are routinely killed, tortured or expelled.
Dirty oil and the future of a continent
Review: "This is a book that should be read by every Canadian. It should also be read widely everywhere else as the vast majority of us have no idea of the scale of tar sands destruction."
Enbridge video hides tanker route dangers
Video exposes Enbridge's grossly misleading account of the route tankers will take if the Northern Gateway tar sands pipeline is built
US drought is comparable to 1930s Dust Bowl
Scientists says this is the fifth or sixth worst drought ever recorded in the United States, affecting more area and more intense than any since 1956
Do revolutionaries control the tar sands pipeline debate?
According to the CEO of Enbridge, yes we do!
James Bay Cree Nation enacts uranium ban
"We are determined to protect our way of life against the unique and grave threat posed by uranium mining and waste, today and for thousands of years to come."
Manila flood disaster: A political response is needed
In the Philippines, on the front line of climate change, poor people and communities are demonstrating powerful solidarity, while politicians promote their careers and corporations worry only about profits
China faces massive pollution challenge
Despite having the world's strongest environmental laws, China faces huge increases in air and water pollution, driven by profit-focused industrial growth.
Swiss ecosocialists translate C&C articles
"The Malthus Myth" and "What's causing the environmental crisis" now online in French