The tendency of some on the left to counterpose a humanistic Marx to a positivist Engels weakens Marxism, and is not supported by historical evidence.
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Vertical farming: Another 'solution' that won't work
Building factory farms in urban skyscrapers is promoted as a way to fix our broken food system. Despite the good intentions of its advocates, it's a fantasy, an unrealistic techno-fix that can only divert attention from the need for real change.
Chasing Ice: A must-see film
Incredible photography, undeniable evidence of climate change
How First Nations organized against tar sands pipelines
Coastal First Nations leader explains how they won the support of 80% of British Columbians for the indigenous peoples' campaign against Enbrodge's pipeline plans
Population, consumption, and rectangles
Can elementary geometry explain environmental problems? Actually, no.
Climate disaster CAN be prevented
Practical, affordable solutions exist, but the necessary resources won't be mobilized so long as corporations, media barons and generals make all the big decisions.
Postmodern meets the class struggle, illustrated
Stop complaining, everything is relative ...
The new fight over who owns the earth
Book review: 'Landgrabbers' offers a bleak picture of land grabs by corporations for agriculture or resource exploitation and equally appalling 'green grabs' by conservationists
Bolivia at UN talks: The climate is not for sale!
"We did not come here to turn the climate into a business, or to protect businesses of them who want to continue aggravating the climate crisis, destroying Mother Earth. We came here to protect the future of humanity."
Pipeline politics: Can popular protest stop the tar sands leviathan?
Supported by the government and the opposition parties, Enbridge is pushing ahead with plans to pipe toxic bitumen through Ontario. First Nations and environmentalists are trying to mobilize public opposition.