The business press slams the lifestyles of Indigenous leaders ... and lavishes sycophantic praise on the obscenely super-rich.
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A plague of David Attenborough
The British broadcaster blames poverty and hunger on the overbreeding poor
Is a united and effective climate movement possible?
Science says that climate change ‘tipping points’ are coming fast. With pessimism of the intellect growing ever more intense, how can we avoid despair and unite in an effective movement based on optimism of the will?
Environmental determinism: Does climate control our destiny?
The view that climate change caused the collapse of past civilizations is ideology, not science. Applied to the present, it can undermine movements against the real enemies of nature and humanity.
Action on climate change – an urgent priority for socialists
Fighting for the measures necessary to avert catastrophic climate change needs to be at the centre of socialist thinking and action.
No, global warming hasn't stopped
The "no warming in 16 years" myth has been exploded again, this time by NASA
How the tar sands produce dirty coal
It's called "petcoke," and it is nasty, climate destroying stuff
End rural slavery in South Africa!
La Via Campesina: South African commercial farming is the most powerful on the continent; it flourishes at the expense of the oppression and exploitation of agricultural workers.
Ultra heatwave: Australia's new normal
The world burns, while corporations and governments fiddle
Evo Morales: Ten commandments against capitalism, for life and humanity
"Our vision of the Communitarian Socialism of Living Well is based on rights and not on the market. It is based on the full realization of human happiness of peoples and populations, through the full complementarity of the rights of peoples, persons, states and Mother Earth"