Join the ecosocialist contingent in Washington, February 17

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System change, not climate change! Help build a united, grassroots climate movement to stop the Keystone XL pipeline and end capitalist ecocide

Print Friendly, PDF & Email, the Sierra Club, and the Hip Hop Caucus have called a Forward on Climate action “to tell Barack Obama it’s time to lead in the fight against climate change, beginning with the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.” The demonstration will take place in Washington DC, at noon on Sunday, February 17.

A number of socialist organizations are planning an Ecosocialist Contingent at the demonstration, to make the case for a united and independent grassroots movement that does not look toward the Democratic Party for solutions or help.

A different world can only be built by ordinary people in the fields, factories and streets, not by politicians walking the corridors of power in Washington.

The organizations planning to take part in the Contingent have drafted the following statement for public release. It will be made public with as many signatures as possible, from those engaged in the struggle for ecological and social justice.

To add your signature, email ecologyandsocialism[at]gmail[dot]com as soon as possible.

The ecosocialist contingent will meet at the Smithsonian metro stop at 11:00am. and march to the Forward on Climate rally at Constitution and the Washington Monument.

a statement from the Ecosocialist Contingent

Tens of thousands of activists, including students, indigenous leaders, religious groups, and community organizations will assemble in DC on February 17 for one of the largest climate and environmental justice demonstrations ever. The climate extremes of 2012 have shifted public opinion in favor of change, despite Obama’s electoral silence. The rise of Idle No More has further energized the movement and internationalized perspectives.

February 17th should mark the beginning of a more united, grassroots climate movement with no illusions in the free market or the Democratic Party. We ecosocialists are honored to stand with so many and say no to the Keystone XL! No to extreme energy!

Ecosocialists believe capitalism is killing the planet. The drive to increase profits assumes endless growth on a finite planet. Capitalism depends on cheap oil and gas, and shuns energy conservation and a swift switch to renewables as unprofitable.

The US war machine has devastated the Middle East in the service of ExxonMobil. Fossil Fuel corporations continue to scour the planet for evermore oil, gas, coal and profit. This must change. We must bring human society back into balance with nature. Politicians such as President Obama are beholden to corporate interests and refuse to do what’s necessary to avert ecological catastrophe. Only the selforganization of the 99% can turn society around.

Mobilizations like those of the First Nations people, farmers, and towns who are blocking pipeline construction through their lands offer a way out of the crisis. Progressives, radicals, the labor movement, and First Nations must unite.

We demand President Obama reject the Keystone XL permit.

We demand a massive public works campaign, green jobs and cuts to defense spending.

We support broad action campaigns for free and publicly owned mass transit, public ownership of renewable energy, as well as an end to racism, sexism, homophobia, and oppression.

The capitalist system is in fundamental conflict with the climate system. Capitalist exploitation of nature is the flip side to the exploitation of human labor. Ultimately therefore, to solve the ecological and social crisis, we need a revolutionary movement that creates a new society free of exploitation, oppression, and the profit motive. A society which measures the quality of life not through the competitive acquisition of things, but by our relationship to each other and nature, that acts to protect and restore our planet for future generations.

  • No to the Keystone XL Pipeline, fracking, mountaintop removal, nuclear power and extreme energy
  • Respect indigenous rights
  • Tax the polluters! Build a renewable infrastructure with union labor
  • Another World is Possible! For a society based on human need, not profit.