U.S. pipeline regulators are like the college student who does his research at frat parties rather than in the library.
Latest Posts
Is oil safer in pipelines than rail? Nope.
Setting the record straight: pipelines spill much more crude oil than rail cars.
Did McGill University whitewash asbestos?
Industry-funded research at one of Canada's largest universities has been used to cover up the overwhelming scientific evidence that asbestos is deadly
Bitumen vs cigarettes: Canada’s double standard on carcinogens
Carcinogens banned in restaurants and bars are encouraged in tar sands
Oceans on the brink of ecological collapse
Marine scientists say the health of the oceans is in crisis. A 'deadly trio' of emission impacts may have already initiated a mass extinction event, a mass die-off of species and catastrophic loss of biodiversity.
The best sentence I’ve read about postmodernism
An antidote to obfuscation
An open letter to the UK Green Left
Green Left activist Sean Thompson says ecosocialists should leave the rightward-moving Green Party, and join the effort to build a new political party of the left in Britain.
Manchester ecosocialists discuss ideas for action
Video from Ecosocialism 2013: Ideas for action, held in Manchester, UK, on October 15, 2013
Colombian peasants mobilize to block giant El Quimbo dam
Interview: How laborers, sharecroppers, and tenant farmers have united to block construction of the giant El Quimbo Dam, a multinational project that would destroy the homes and livelihoods of hundreds of peasant families in southern Colombia.
Protect food security, end biofuel subsidies and support
Artificial demand for biofuels is undermining the right to food, causing significant increases in food insecurity, malnutrition, and land-grabbing. European and North American governments must end policies that undermine food by promoting biofuels