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Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - IPCC
IPCC report fails on equity and urgency
How vested interests rewrote the IPCC’s latest report
Scientists issue ‘dire warning’ on climate
Code Red: How can we prevent climate catastrophe?
What the new IPCC report says about climate change and land
IPCC: 1.5° will be bad and 2.0° will be worse, radical change needed NOW
Fantasy technology won’t stop climate change
Anthropocene heat, part 3: A one way street to climate hell
James Hansen: Sea level disaster ahead, but when?
The IPCC report: Between nightmare and revolution
IPCC: ‘Severe, widespread, and irreversible impacts’
The IPCC still underestimates the situation
If you aren’t worried about climate change, you aren’t paying attention
Climate crisis: The rich don’t want solutions
IPCC: The world is not ready for climate change
IPCC: The north outsources emissions to the south
Haiyan, capitalism and the climate
‘Growth imperative’ versus ‘climate imperative’
Wall Street to Earth: ‘We don’t mind and you don’t matter’
IPCC report: Human-caused warming is ‘unequivocal’
In Harm's Way
IPCC: Renewables could provide 80% of global energy by 2050
IPCC vice-chair: Attacks on climate science echo tobacco industry tactics
Is it time to change the IPCC?
Anti-capitalism, Climate Change, and Copenhagen
'We are facing the worst case scenario'
New Data Shows IPCC Understated Warming
Proposed ‘soft targets’ ignore the real dangers of climate change
The New Climate Science: Governments Gamble With Our Survival
Droughts, floods, hunger, malnutrition, disease, extinctions, fires, storms ….
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews