Too Many People? Review by British socialist magazine

“Too Many People? is not disheartening or alarmist, as some books about climate change can be. It is assertive, passionate and a key reference for arming ourselves against those, on the right and the left, who talk about population control...

On climate, Canada is a rogue state

If Canada’s overt policy objective was to emit as much carbon as possible, it is hard to imagine the feds doing more to make that happen. … Canada’s carbon footprint is more than double when we count exports Related posts… (auto-generated)...

A socialist perspective on life after capitalism

Alex Callinicos: “One important priority for any new society would be to move rapidly towards a low carbon economy. This is necessary not only to prevent chaotic climate change, but also to provide the billions of people who now toil in...

Too Many People? review by Greek environmentalist

This timely work methodically reviews and demolishes the pseudo-science of Populationism ... reinforcing humanist and internationalist arguments exposing the methods and politics and pseudo-statistics of populationist organisations

UK government secretly promotes Canada's tar sands

The Tory-led coalition in the UK seems is Canada’s partner in crime, pressing the European Union to reject regulations that would restrict use of dirty oil mined in Alberta’s destructive tar sands projects Related posts… (auto-generated)...

Indigenous statement condemns REDD

“We call upon all people committed to climate justice to support life, and we implore the global community to take responsibility for reducing emission of green house gases at the source and to reject REDD+ as a false solution that breads a new form...

Marxism and the Environmental Crisis

by John Molyneux John Molyneux, who lives in Dublin, is a member of the Irish and British Socialist Workers Parties. This article was published in his blog in August, 2010. Over the next ten, twenty or fifty years humanity faces an immense...

How wealthy polluters are blocking action on climate change

How the giant corporations most responsible climate change emissions are working to defeat climate change legislation and block international agreements Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and land...

What if U.S. land were distributed in the same way as U.S. wealth?

This graphic shows how much the 1 percent would own if land in the United States were as unequally owned as wealth Related posts… (auto-generated) 1% own 43% of global wealth, while billions have no wealth at all What the new IPCC report says about...

Polar ice melting at all-time record rates

Rapid change in the Arctic and Antarctic is a clear, visibly graphic signal of climate change. If current trends continue, there could be virtually no September sea ice by 2015 Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about...

Occupy the Durban climate summit

The Occupy movement considers the UNFCCC to be ‘United Nations Fools, Clowns and Carbon Criminals’ and it’s hard to argue against that based on 16 past performances. Related posts… (auto-generated) ‘Rain Bomb’ kills over 300 in South...

Too Many People? review by Socialist Worker (Canada)

Their central argument – that it is not simply our numbers, but how our society is organized to benefit only few – is one that needs to be heard in the environmental movement Related posts… (auto-generated) Counterfire review of Too Many People? The...

Carbon markets: No threat to fossil fuel

The genius of carbon markets is to create a new asset class that performs alongside, and reinforces, continued fossil fuel use, rather than interfering with it. Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and...