Global carbon emissions reach 10 billion tonnes

Global carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels have increased by 49 per cent in the last two decades, according to the latest figures. If this continues, catastrophic climate change is inevitable Related posts… (auto-generated) What the...

A vicious attack on the poor

Instead of confronting the system that creates poverty and causes environmental degradation, the  population controllers aim to eliminate the poor. Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and land The Omega...

Declaration of the indigenous peoples of the world to COP17

Statement to the United Nations climate change meeting (COP17), adopted by the International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC), December 3, 2011, Durban, South Africa Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says...

Revolutionary Art

"I paint what I see," said Rivera

Celebrating the 125th anniversary of the birth of the great Mexican muralist and revolutionary socialist, Diego Rivera.

Pablo Solon: Durban = 'The Great Escape III'

Durban will be worse than Copenhagen and Cancun. Everyone knows that this is a catastrophe. But instead of becoming outraged, they attempt to sweeten the poison. Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and...

A dirty deal coming down in Durban

As former Bolivian Ambassadar to the UN, Pablo Solon said at last week’s Wolpe Memorial Lecture, “The COP17 will be remembered as a place of premeditated genocide and ecocide.” Related posts… (auto-generated) ‘Rain Bomb’ kills over 300 in South...

Why the movement should not #OccupyXmas

Adbusters is wrong. At a time when the movement finally has the ear of the public via mainstream news coverage, the call to disrupt Christmas shopping is counter-productive and harmful Related posts… (auto-generated) Strategy and tactics in the...

Pablo Solon: Climate negotiators are committing ecocide

Video: Pablo Solon, former Bolivian ambassador to the UN , interviewed during the December 3 day of action in Durban, during the COP17 climate negotiations Related posts… (auto-generated) Pablo Solon: Durban = 'The Great Escape III' Pablo...

U.S. guilty of criminal obstruction at climate talks

“U.S. government and corporations are the one percent responsible for the majority of pollution affecting the 99 percent of the world”  Related posts… (auto-generated) ‘Rain Bomb’ kills over 300 in South Africa, exposing political...

Books for your green left reading (and gift) list …

Green Left Weekly asked various people to name the best books published this year Related posts… (auto-generated) Capitalism’s crimes against nature Countries on Trump’s ban list face world’s biggest humanitarian crisis since 1945 Secret...

Are consumers destroying the earth?

Monstrous as the consumer economy has become, consumer spending is not the biggest environmental problem.  Most waste and pollution is caused by industrial, military and commercial processes, over which consumers have no control.  CONSUMERS ARE NOT...

Why do rich governments want the climate talks to fail?

If treasuries can find trillions to bail out dodgy banks, if financiers can be paid hundreds of millions in bonuses and the politics of Europe can be redrawn in just a few weeks, then why can’t the rich and big-emitting countries make a deal...

Green capitalism? As likely as a vegetarian tiger

[Quotes and Insights #22] The always excellent Climate Connections blog published these quotes from speakers at a meeting organized in Durban this week by La Via Campesina. Read and share … Lidy Nacpil, Jubilee South: “The talk now on the table at...

Durban conference must reject carbon markets for agriculture

Agriculture soil carbon offsets will do nothing to stop climate change the climate,  while further shifting the burden of mitigation onto small producers in the poorest countries  Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about...

Athabasca Chipewyan people to sue Shell Canada over tar sands

“The fate of our communities and our river is at stake and we are in the crosshairs of Shell’s plans to aggressively expand tar sands in our traditional territory. We ask the public to support ACFN’s efforts to stop Shell from permanently...

Amazonian peoples' report exposes the grim reality of REDD

New report by Amazonian indigenous peoples exposes the reality of REDD+ in Peru: Land conflicts, carbon piracy and violations of indigenous peoples’ rights Related posts… (auto-generated) Kenya evicts Indigenous people for forest offset scam NO...

Pipeline and tanker trouble. Tar sands impact on B.C. coasts

“Our communities have taken a stand against the Northern Gateway pipeline because we would lose everything. This pipeline is where we draw the line. Big oil pipelines and the accompanying oil super tankers mean that life as we know it will be...