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Reading for reds and greens

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 2018

Seven new books on the new terrain of class war, social reproduction theory, limits to NGO radicalism, ideas for change, shrinking the technosphere, technology and inequality, and property formation in colonial North America

Book Review

Ecological science fiction: Two hits and a miss

Three novels by Kim Stanley Robinson: Aurora is monumental and Shaman is a great evocation of the past, but New York 2140 understates both the climate crisis and the solutions needed


Capitalism, exterminism and the long ecological revolution

C&C begins the new year with an extensive interview with John Bellamy Foster, editor of Monthly Review, about the need to fight for a revolutionary ecosocialist alternative to the profit-driven world capitalist system.


Big Bad Fix: The case against climate geoengineering

Technologies that promise a quick fix to the climate crisis actually pose high risks to people, ecosystems and security, and are dangerous distractions from the urgent need for deep emission cuts.