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Tramples Indigenous rights

Site C Dam: BC NDP fails major environmental test

The government's decision to build the dam makes it abundantly clear that the struggle to defend indigenous rights and the environment must be built outside of parliament

Interview with Zafer Ülger

Ecological crisis and capitalism in Turkey today

Turkish socialist describes growing understanding that Marx's ideas on ecology are important, and that the oppression of labor, women and oppressed peoples is not separate from the crisis of nature and ecosystems

Facing the Anthropocene

‘A contribution to a genuinely materialist ecology’

Éric Pineault’s preface to the French edition of Facing the Anthropocene: “Ian Angus offers a critique of capitalist modernity based on a vision of liberation shaped by the recognition of substantial and real ecological limits”

apocatopia? utopalypse?

China Miéville: The Limits of Utopia

Utopias are necessary. But not only are they insufficient: they can be part of  the system, the bad totality that organises us, warms the skies, and condemns millions to peonage on garbage scree.

Reading, red and green

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, February 2018

Five important books on famines and world hunger, on Ebola and other deadly epidemics that spread from animals to people, and on the pesticide poisons in our food.