Latest Articles

Corporate liars exposed

Shell knew about climate threat decades ago

Secret documents reveal that the giant oil company's scientists warned executives about the global impact of fossil fuels as early as 1981

Reading matters

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, April 2018

Six new books for reds and greens ... climate change and disease ... capitalist power and the planet's future ... brain, body, and environment ... oceanic art and science ... essential fungi and life ... the political economy of water.

ocean destruction

Can information technology save global fisheries?

Masses of new data reveal where fish are being captured and by whom, and what determines fishing schedules. Will this information lead to sustainable fishing, so long as profit rules?


Ecosocialism and consumerism

Commodity accumulation leads people to identify with the means of destruction. We must aim to disintegrate links in the chain of capital reproduction.

Book Review

14 Billion Years of Revolutionary Change

‘Quarks to Culture’ is an important but flawed account of emergence in history, of 12 major transitions that created the world we live in, from the Big Bang to the Geopolitical State.

New books for reds and greens

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, March 2018

Six new books on the science for the people movement, health care under capitalism, the criminalizing of poverty, Yemen in crisis, the origins of everything, and communism and democracy