African journal interviews John Molyneux, a founder of the new Global Ecosocialist Network, on the challenges before ecosocialists today.
Latest Articles
Blue Acceleration: Capitalism’s growing assault on the oceans
"A new phase in humanity’s relationship with the biosphere, where the ocean is not only crucial but is being fundamentally changed”
In Cuba, greener farming means cleaner rivers
Joint Cuba-U.S. study finds sustainable agriculture in Cuba keeps river pollution far below levels in U.S. waterways
Announcing the Global Ecosocialist Network
Activists on five continents form a new international association, a network of ecosocialists to coordinate activity and build worldwide resistance to capitalist ecocide
Coronavirus: Agribusiness breeds another deadly epidemic
Once again, authorities are scrambling to deal with a fast-spreading disease after the fact, while the systemic causes remain in place.
The phony war over inequality statistics
Methodological nitpicking obscures the undeniable fact that a ludicrously small number of individuals hold the same amount of wealth as billions of others
Dystopia in the land of Oz: A climate change story
Australia's out-of-control bushfires dramatically confirm the need for a government that doesn't serve the interests of multi-national corporations
2020 is hot, and it’s going to get much hotter
Emissions are rising. Each decade is warmer than the last. The oceans are heating up. Australia is burning. And that’s just January.
Reconsidering Nuclear Power
Socialists debate whether nuclear can generate the power needed to improve the economic well-being of the vast majority of people, without carbon emissions.
‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ is a hoax
CSR is a public replations framework that lets corporations greenwash their public images, pretending to change so that everything can remain the same