There is no monitoring program for abandoned wells, so they can leak for a long time before emissions are detected and repaired.
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Indigenous people may be the Amazon’s last hope
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A third or more of all species could be gone by 2070
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Ecosocialist Bookshelf, February 2020
Robbery of nature; Choosing a future; Neoliberal lives; Indigenous resistance; Canadian oil vs the climate; Environmental justice in danger; Agrobiodiversity; Cars and capitalism
Capitalist roots of the environment crisis
What's behind the breakdown of the relationship between human society and the natural world on which we depend?
Record climate disasters hit Africa … and worse is coming
Nnimmo Bassey: Africa will face calamitous roasting unless radical social and ecological transformation starts soon
Climate change, emissions, and the fat tail risk
Existing emission policies will not harm oil and gas profits. They also won't stop global warming from rising to globally destructive levels
Organizing to amplify ecosocialist voices around the world
African journal interviews John Molyneux, a founder of the new Global Ecosocialist Network, on the challenges before ecosocialists today.
Blue Acceleration: Capitalism’s growing assault on the oceans
"A new phase in humanity’s relationship with the biosphere, where the ocean is not only crucial but is being fundamentally changed”
In Cuba, greener farming means cleaner rivers
Joint Cuba-U.S. study finds sustainable agriculture in Cuba keeps river pollution far below levels in U.S. waterways