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Stop the Presses! NASA Error Equals One-Thousandth of a Degree

The conservative press has had a field day with the revelation that NASA made a calculation error in its annual temperature figures. Multiple columnists have loudly declared that this proves that global warming is a hoax. The Political Animal blog...

International Ecosocialist Meeting: Update #2

Important information for participants in the ecosocialist meeting in Paris in October. This Update includes the location of the event and a Provisional Agenda, as well as information that was previously posted. Purpose: This meeting is a very...

'The Future Has to Be Red-Green' An Interview With Derek Wall

Derek Wall is a writer, an economist, and currently the Principal Male Speaker of the Green Party of England and Wales. He is the author of several books including Earth First! and the Anti-Roads Movement: Radical Environmentalism and Comparative...

FAO: Climate Change Likely to Increase Risk of Hunger

A news release issued August 7 by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization: Climate change is likely to undermine food production in the developing world, while industrialized countries could gain in production potential, FAO...

Some Questions About Ecosocialism

This article was submitted this as a comment on Joel Kovel’s article Why Ecosocialism Today? I am publishing it as a separate article because it raises important questions that ecosocialists need to consider carefully. by Jeff White Re: Joel...

Australian Anti-Bush Protests to Target War and Climate Change

When George Bush arrives in Australia for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in September, he’ll be welcomed by demonstrations in several cities, including a mass rally in the main conference city, Sydney. Below, the “Call to Action” issued...

Failing to Make the Connections

by William Bowles From Investigating New Imperialism, August 7, 2007 I’m torn, really torn between trying to keep up with the deceptions the corporate press keep feeding us and wanting to ignore the entire sorry mess completely, but well you...

Ecosocialism and the Revitalization of Marxist Theory

In the Summer 2007 issue of From the Left, John Bellamy Foster argues that the 1990s, often viewed only as a time of decline and retreat for Marxism, were also the beginning of a new period of popular struggle against imperialism (especially in...

Who Is Really Leading the Fight Against Climate Change?

Some socialists say that climate change is only an issue in rich countries. On the contrary — as Larry Lohman writes, the most intense front line fights against greenhouse gas emissions are being conducted in the Third World.Larry Lohman’s article...

Bush Pushes for Inaction on Climate Change

George Bush has invited Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa and South Korea to send representatives to Washington in September. From Global Warming Watch President Bush is organising a September...