Book review: Far from being a 'tragedy' the commons offers genuine solutions to climate change and other environmental problems
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Video: Oil Sands Reality Check
An important new resource for tar sands campaigners
To save the earth, nationalize the energy industry
Energy is far too important to our future to be left in the hands of corporate directors and investment bankers.
The Wrath of Capital: Neoliberalism and Climate Change Politics
Book review: Why individual action and lifestyle politics offer no solutions to an environmental crisis driven by global capitalism
The world is rich. The rich are the problem.
There's no shortage of food, no shortage of wealth to solve social crises. The problem is a system that enriches a few and starves multitudes.
Is there a scientific consensus on global warming? You bet!
The number of scientists who disagree is "vanishingly small"
Québec ecosocialists adopt basis for unity and action
Update on the Réseau écosocialiste, and a translation of its founding statement. "Ecosocialism advocates the distribution of wealth, ecological and democratic planning, and popular sovereignty."
More videos from NYC Ecosocialism Conference
Seven more videos of talks at the Ecosocialism conference in New York City, April 20, have been posted on the Ecosocialist Contingent website.
Needed: An ecosocialist cosmovision
It isn’t enough to replace capitalism’s destructive social and economic relations. We must develop new ways of thinking about humanity and nature.