Quebec activists: Local tragedies, such as the one in Lac Megantic, must not distract from the global tragedy which threatens us all.
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Video: Why we need an ecosocialist revolution
Ian Angus's talk at at Socialism 2013
This land is your land, this land is fracking land
Obama proposes a vast expansion of fracking on public and tribal lands -- under rules written by the drilling industry
Ottawa activists launch anti-pipeline campaign
Environmentalists aim to build broad movement to block TransCanada's plan to pipe tar sands bitumen through sensitive ecosystems in Canada's capital city.
Why we need an ecosocialist revolution
Ian Angus: “It’s not enough to say that socialism is the solution. In the 21st century, fighting capitalist ecocide must be at the heart of our vision, our program and our activity.”
Feminism and ecosocialism: a necessary alliance
Brazilian socialist leader Tárzia Medeiros: Ecosocialist and feminist struggles overlap and stand as the great reference point for our defence of common goods in our country and our continent.
Obama's climate speech: No cause for celebration
Chris Williams: The president's timid and grudging response to the global emergency shows the need to build a more powerful independent environmental movement
An avoidable environmental tragedy in India
Radhika Krishnan: Massive flooding kills and isolates thousands in Uttarakhand, a predictable disaster caused by the 'development' policies of India's ruling class
Biggest dead zone ever coming to the Gulf of Mexico
Fertilizer run-off from the U.S. midwest is forecast to kill most fish in a dead zone the size of New Jersey.
Pricing carbon: A failed strategy that won't save the climate
Simon Butler: "We cannot deal with climate change through crisis-prone markets that subsidise dirty energy firms."