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Wagering on Earth’s future

Ian Angus reviews 'The Bet,' an in-depth account of the overhyped and pointless wager between populationist Paul Ehrlich and libertarian Julian Simon.

The Myths of ‘Green Capitalism’

Brian Tokar: A system based on the accumulation of capital without restraint will require unsustainable growth, however cleverly we measure our ecological footprint.

Bolivian VP to European Left: Fight on!

"What we need is not a Europe that watches from a distance what is happening in far off places of the world but a Europe that lights up again the destiny of the continent and of the world."

How the U.S. exports global warming

While Obama talks of a clean, green future, America's oil and coal corporations are racing to position the country as the planet's top dirty-energy dealer.

The contradictions and limits of localism

Can co-ops and transition towns transform the world? The author of No Local explains why local counter-institutions won't lead to revolutionary change.