The debate continues: Is 'Buen vivir' an effective and just development alternative to mining and resource extraction industries in Latin America?
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Antarctica’s accelerating ice collapse
The sea-level rise of 10 to 16 feet will come in decades, rather than centuries. It will submerge nearly every port city in the world.
Fracking song, 2
'My Water's On Fire Tonight' is a product of Studio 20 NYU, in collaboration with Pro Publica: Journalism in the Public Interest.
The dangerous myths of ‘anti-extractivism’
Environmentalists who oppose 'extractivism' on principle are oversimplifying the complex issues faced by the peoples and governments of Latin America today
Mass murder in a Turkish coal mine
Over 300 miners have been killed by a system that values fossil fuels and profits above the lives of those who are paid poverty-level wages to dig for coal
A terrifying diagnosis
What's ailing the earth?
Debate on exit strategy: Hansen’s program is more than a carbon tax
Ian Angus replies to Anders Ekeland: Ecosocialists must understand and build on James Hansen's entire program, not reduce it to a single policy that isn't suitable for building mass movements.
Why socialists must act against climate change
Jonathan Neale says climate change isn't just a moral issue, it's a matter of life and death ... and socialists can play an important role in stopping it.
The politics of food and poverty
The global food crisis is tightly connected to poverty, climate change, ecological destruction, migrant workers, imperialism, health and the super-exploitation of workers.
Population pulp fiction: A failed prophecy from 1970
From the archives: A socialist review of a 1970 novel that predicted an overpopulation apocalypse in two decades