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The climate march cynics are wrong

Leftish criticisms of the Peoples Climate March fail to understand the role of mass demonstrations in building movements and radicalizing participants.

Climate justice gets a new lease on life

Patrick Bond: Radicals who saw the Peoples Climate March as pro-capitalist missed the point. The action showed growing grassroots support for real change.

Philippines socialists:

Capitalism cannot be sustainable

'Capitalism, a global system that puts profits before people, has brought us to the brink of a climate-induced catastrophe that can destroy humanity.'

Why U.N. climate talks continue to fail

The science is definitive. The dangers are real and increasingly obvious. So why is there so little action to stop catastrophic climate change?

Can we save the planet by shopping less?

Many greens blame consumer choices and lifestyles for the global crisis. This blames the victims, while ignoring the real environmental criminals.