The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.
Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.
If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.
- To save the earth, nationalize the energy industryEnergy is far too important to our future to be left in the hands of corporate directors and investment bankers.---READ-->>
- The Wrath of Capital: Neoliberalism and Climate Change PoliticsBook review: Why individual action and lifestyle politics offer no solutions to an environmental crisis driven by global capitalism---READ-->>
- The world is rich. The rich are the problem.There’s no shortage of food, no shortage of wealth to solve social crises. The problem is a system that enriches a few and starves multitudes.---READ-->>
- Is there a scientific consensus on global warming? You bet!The number of scientists who disagree is “vanishingly small”---READ-->>
- Québec ecosocialists adopt basis for unity and actionUpdate on the Réseau écosocialiste, and a translation of its founding statement. “Ecosocialism advocates the distribution of wealth, ecological and democratic planning, and popular sovereignty.”---READ-->>
- More videos from NYC Ecosocialism ConferenceSeven more videos of talks at the Ecosocialism conference in New York City, April 20, have been posted on the Ecosocialist Contingent website.---READ-->>
- Needed: An ecosocialist cosmovisionIt isn’t enough to replace capitalism’s destructive social and economic relations. We must develop new ways of thinking about humanity and nature.---READ-->>
- Food fights against austerityDisparate struggles in desperate times: how workers and farmers in Spain, New York and Greece are challenging neoliberal austerity---READ-->>
- Climate conferences set in England and AustraliaOn opposite sides of the world, two important activist conferences---READ-->>
- Mad Science: The Nuclear Power ExperimentSome environmentalists champion nuclear power as an answer to global warming. An important new book argues that the dangers far outweigh any benefits.---READ-->>
- Online now: Talks at NYC Ecosocialism ConferenceRecordings of ecosocialist talks: Environmental justice; Indigenous rights; Lessons from Sandy; Tar sands & fracking; Fossil fuel divestment; Market approaches; Green left history---READ-->>
- Why unionists must build the climate change fightNeeded: thousands of union members in their union hats and coats and shirts, banners and flags flying, at every demonstration to save the climate---READ-->>
- Tar sands: Alberta puts a fox in charge of the henhouseOil company lobbyist named chair of Energy Regulator; Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation demands resignation---READ-->>
- Climate inaction, illustratedWhen in doubt, mumble …---READ-->>
- Fracking waste is too toxic for hazardous waste dumpOn April 19, a truck delivering waste from a fracking operation in Greene County, Pennsylvania, was quarantined after being rejected by a hazardous waste landfill as too dangerous.---READ-->>
- Pablo Solon on the future of the climate justice movement“When we speak about climate justice we are not speaking about something that’s going to be decided in the UN, but something we have to fight for, now, in our daily struggles.”---READ-->>
- Ecosocialist Conference shows potential for a united green left in North America“A resounding success!” Participants report on a major step forward for anti-capitalist organizing in the environmental movement.---READ-->>
- To reclaim our future, we must change the present! A program for changing the system, not the climate“We will not allow the capitalist system to burn us all. We will take action and address the root causes of climate change by changing the system.”---READ-->>
- What BP doesn’t want you to know about the 2010 Gulf spillAn anonymous whistleblower has provided evidence that BP was warned in advance about the safety risks of attempting to cover up its leaking oil.---READ-->>
- In U.S., cops hold back hungry people as food dumpedIn the world’s richest country, banks destroy good food while children go hungry---READ-->>