This call was published by the Global Climate Campaign. Their website includes links to information on protests planned in many countries. Global Climate Campaign Building a global movement to confront the ultimate global crisis International Demonstrations on Climate Change DECEMBER 8th, 2007 on...
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Climate Change will Devastate River Basins Where One Billion Live
Abstract of an article in the Online Journal of the Ecological Society of America. Subscription required to read entire article. Major rivers worldwide have experienced dramatic changes in flow, reducing their natural ability to adjust to and absorb disturbances. Given expected changes in global...
Interview with an Ecosocialist
Ian Angus was interviewed this month by the Greek socialist newspaper Kokkino (Red). Let’s begin with a large question — what is ecosocialism? ANGUS: Ecosocialism has grown out of two parallel political trends — the spread of Marxist ideas in the green movement and the spread of ecological ideas in...
Ecosocialist International Network (News Release)
This is the official announcement issued following the international meeting of ecosocialists in Paris, October 7-8 FIRST INTERNATIONAL ECOSOCIALIST MEETING On October 7th and 8th 2007, a group of ecological activists from thirteen countries met in Paris to inaugurate the Ecosocialist...
Ecosocialists Launch International Network
I’m still exhausted after two days of meetings in Paris, but here is a hastily-written basic outline of the results of the first international meeting of ecosocialists. The Ecosocialist International Network. launched in Paris, France on October 7-8, aims to improve global communication and...
The Red and the Green: Part Two – What kind of development?
Continued from The Red and the Green Part One By William Bowles The word development implies ‘progress’ but by whose definition and anyway, what is progress, and where exactly, are we progressing to? Are the rainforest peoples’ of the Amazon for example, ‘given’ progress when they are forcibly...
World Bank Razed Congo Forests
by John Vidal, Environment Editor The Guardian Thursday October 4 2007 The World Bank encouraged foreign companies to destructively log the world’s second largest forest, endangering the lives of thousands of Congolese Pygmies, according to a report on an internal investigation by senior bank...
Soil Building: A Better Way to Capture Carbon
by Michael Perelman Originally published as “Quick Thoughts on Carbon Sequestration” in Unsettling Economics and MRzine. Posted with the author’s permission. Carbon sequestration is an excessively expensive and probably technically impossible method of capturing significant amounts of carbon...
Why Algonquin First Nations Are Blocking Uranium Exploration in Ontario
A Letter from the the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation and the Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. August 14, 2007 The Honourable Dalton McGuinty Premier of Ontario Legislative Building Queen’s Park Toronto ON M7A 1A1 Dear Premier McGuinty: We are writing to seek...
Evo Morales: "Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity"
The following is Bolivian President Evo Morales’ speech to the United Nations meeting on Climate Change, on September 24, 2007. It should be read injunction with Morales’ letter to the UN, posted here previously. Translation by Climate and Capitalism Thank you. I would like greet the panel, and on...