Toronto Students Call for Dec. 8 Actions on Climate Change

A leaflet distributed at the University of Toronto by Students Against Climate Change


We are living on this planet as though we have another one to go to

Peer-reviewed science confirms the effects of man-made climate change:

  • Catastrophic loss of both human and non-human life
  • Loss of 15 to 37% of all species / loss of biodiversity
  • Economic and social collapse / wars over scarce resources
  • Man-made climate change already kills 150,000 + per yearSource: United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Canadians are morally and politically obligated to act:

  • Canadians emit 17.9 tonnes of CO2 per person per year, or about 100 times more than the average person in Africa
  • Alberta tar sands is a major supplier to the U.S. oil market
  • The Harper government has continually hindered critical progress at international climate talks and is now considered a member of the “Axis of Evil” (Canada, U.S. and Australia)Source:

Are you sick and tired of political inaction by corrupt politicians? You can do your part by helping us organize and educate on campus.

Global Climate Change Day of Action, December 8th (D8)

Demand the following:

  • That Canada abide by its Kyoto obligations
  • Invest heavily in clean safe renewable energy, not fossil fuels
  • Invest in public transportation and conservation programs
  • An end to public subsidies of the tar sands and their expansion
  • An end to oil exploration in the Arctic and wasteful militarization
  • Better protection for boreal forests and endangered species
  • And closer to home: demand that U of T stop investing in Exxon Mobil (which finances climate change denial) and others fossil fuel corporations

Canadians want real action and tough laws on the environment! Students should be leading the climate fight. It is our future at stake!

Brought to you by Students Against Climate Change at U of T
Tel: 416-922-0035