Raj Patel, author of The Value of Nothing and Stuffed and Starved, interviewed by Jill Hickson and Simon Cunich for Green Left Weekly and Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal. Share:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Click to...
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Vulture capitalists versus the Global South
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Populationism: A Weapon of Political Conservatives
A promise to rein in population growth is useful for the right wing because it substitutes for the fundamental social and economic changes needed to really deal with these problems. Share:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Click to share on...
How Racist Anti-Immigrant Groups are Trying to Recruit Environmentalists
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41 Countries that Oppose Making Water a Human Right
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No Room for Doubt: Global Warming is Real
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UN Declares Water a Human Right
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Appendix to Part Two: Rates versus Ratios
Part Two of this series considered per capita statistics, which "conceal substantial inequalities within populations and between people." This supplement summarizes a related argument made by Allan Schnaiberg, who addressed the same issue thirty years ago.
'Sustainable Population?' Australian PM Targets Immigrants and Refugees
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