“We now stand at a crossroads. We have the choice to break out of the nuclear fuel chain and move towards efficient, renewable and sustainable energy that does not threaten health or environment.” The Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World was held at Pacifico Yokohama on 14...
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Murray Bookchin: Anthropocentrism versus biocentrism – a false dichotomy
[Quotes and Insights #24] Introduction by Ian Angus — Some green writers, particularly those who support the viewpoint known as deep ecology, accuse socialist environmentalists of anthropocentrism, of giving absolute priority to human needs and ignoring or downplaying the needs of non-human...
Obama's anti-climate crusade
by Donna Goodman President Obama’s State of the Union speech Jan. 25 contained distressing news for opponents of global warming who recognize the need to begin substantially reducing reliance upon carbon based fossil fuels. “Over the last three years,” Obama said, “we’ve...
Announcement: Climate & Capitalism and Monthly Review
Climate and Capitalism is five years old this month. I’m excited to mark this anniversary by launching an alliance with Monthly Review, the world’s ...
UN biodiversity plan: neoliberal measures to commodify nature
Acción Ecológica is gathering signatures for this letter, in advance of the Global Dialogue Seminar on Scaling up Finance for Biodiversity, to be held in Quito, Ecuador, March 6-9 ++++++++ Open letter to the secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the governments of Japan, India...
Eight ways Monsanto fails at sustainable agriculture
Monsanto has held back the development of sustainable agriculture, and continues to do so. None of its competitors come close to matching its impact on global agriculture ++++++++++ [from the Union of Concerned Scientists] Monsanto Company is the dominant player in commercial genetically engineered...
Stop Signs: Cars and capitalism on the road to economic, social and ecological decay
Cars and capitalism go together, destroying lives, poisoning the air, and chewing up space, all in the name of profit
Behind the 'Green Economy' – A new drive to commodify nature
Faced with an even more complex and deeper crisis, capitalism is launching a fresh attack that combines the old austerity measures with an offensive to create new sources of profit and growth through the “Green Economy” agenda. ++++++++++++++++++ by Christophe No to the Green Economy, February 8...
Why the fossil fuel industry fights so hard to block action on climate change
The business models at the center of our economy are in the deepest possible conflict with physics and chemistry ++++++++++++++ By Bill McKibben TomDispatch, February 7, 2012 If we could see the world with a particularly illuminating set of spectacles, one of its most prominent features at the...
The agribusiness takeover of pale green NGOs
Many of the biggest conservation NGOs have done deals with international agribusiness. They greenwash industrial commodity agriculture in exchange for vague promises of sustainability and social justice. ++++++++++++++++ by Jonathan Latham Independent Science News, February 7, 2012 Imagine an...