The ever-growing conflict between ecology and capitalism reflects the startling degree to which profit-making has become the primary and most powerful connection between human beings and between human beings and nature.
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"We are the one percent!" Cops evict 'polluters'
Video: On March 24, mock corporate representatives erected an illegal occupation -- and the NYPD forces that usually defend the interests of the 1% had to evict the "corporate polluters" from UN grounds
Dirty Money: The true cost of Australia’s mineral boom
A valuable book that exposes the brutal devastation caused by mining companies and identifies the tycoons who benefit, the monsters in our midst.
Canadian Dimension review of Too Many People?
reviewed by Judy Deutsch. "Too Many People" is invaluable for people concerned about climate change, climate justice, environmental racism, and system change.
Saving resources and the environment: A modest proposal
by Fred Magdoff. If population growth is causing the environmental crisis, here's a simple 3-step solution that would actually work ...
Riots and role models
A UK government report blames last year's riots on the participants' "materialism and consumerism." They couldn't possibly have learned such anti-social values from Britain's ruling class. Could they?
Occupy climate change!
Occupy Wall Street is calling for a month of action leading up to Earth Day on April 22, to draw the Occupy movements further into the struggle to protect the climate, and to show the connections between the power of the 1% and the destruction of the planet
George Novack: The mission of humankind
[Quotes and Insights #32] "The present inhabitants of the earth are the raw material for the production of an authentically human race."
Michael Lebowitz: In the beginning is the dream
[Quotes and Insights #31] "That dream moves us – even as we catch only fleeting glimpses."
In Harm's Way
A new report from the IPCC provides extensive evidence that climate change is already increasing the frequency of droughts, floods, heatwaves and other extreme events, and shows how that combines with societal vulnerabilities to produce human disasters.