All governments must reject this agreement and halt the negotiations process until concrete commitments are made to replace the neo-liberal model with one based on fair development in harmony with nature and the philosophy of Living Well (Vivir Bien)
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Rio+20: The earth summit heads for 'epic failure'
"Abandon hope all ye who enter here" should have been written over the entrance to the Rio+20 summit.
Rio +20 has nothing to say on REDD (and not much on anything else)
If the draft text is accepted in its current form, Rio +20 will go down in history to be followed inevitably by the word failure.
Lethal ingredients in the Rio+20 mocktail
The advocates of Green Economy never acknowledge that today’s crises have been caused by dangerously polluting industries, the extractive mining sector, chemical industries or industrial agriculture, and carefully ignore the new approaches proposed by countries like Bolivia and Ecuador.
An ecosocialist statement on Rio+20
What can we expect from this so-called “Earth Summit” from a social and ecological perspective? Nothing!
Big business goes to Rio
The best thing to come out of Rio+20 could be the strengthening of social movements in opposition to one of its core ideas. The false green economy’s grand Brazilian showcase might just be the event that helps to trigger its downfall.
Kari-Oca 2 Declaration
Indigenous Peoples Global Conference on Rio+20 and Mother Earth: The “Green Economy” continues the colonialism we have faced and resisted for 520 years. We cannot allow false solutions to destroy the Earth’s balance, assassinate the seasons, unleash severe weather havoc, privatize life and threaten...
At Rio+20: Values versus prices
Patrick Bond: The Rio+20 Earth Summit under way this week in Brazil is devoted to advancing the 'Green Economy,' which is the environmentalism of the rich. For most people and the planet, it will be a disaster.
Infrastructure for whom?
World Bank and G20 megaprojects provide cheap power to giant corporations, bypassing the poor.
Leftist critics of Ecuador should focus on real enemies
Until rich countries are held to account for the economic and environmental crimes they have committed, no foreign leftist has a right to denounce the Ecuadorean government led by Rafael Correa for using the country's natural wealth to meet its peoples’ needs.