"This is a green labour revolution I’m talking about. An epic vision of healing our country from the ravages of the last 30 years of neoliberalism and healing the planet in the process."
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Marxism and the ecological revolution
Are Marx's views on ecology relevant to today's environmental crises?
The myth of ‘environmental catastrophism’
A recent book claims activists who warn that the world faces environmental catastrophe are doing more harm than good. A new essay by Ian Angus explains why that claim is wrong.
Carcinogen found in nearly 100 shampoos and soaps
A new study from the Center for Environmental Health finds cocamide diethanolamine in major brand and private label products sold by major retailers across the U.S.
Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima'
More proof that the U.S. military is the world's worst and deadliest polluter
Video: How tar sands threaten our communities
Video of meeting to protest Enbridge's tar sand pipeline, organized by Toronto East End Against Line 9, August 25, 2013
Lessons of the Lac Mégantic oil train disaster
Oil-by-rail should be banned for safety reasons, but the explosion also adds to the argument for an urgent, emergency shift away from the extraction and burning of fossil fuels.
Fracking’s false promise of plenty
An angry book challenges claims by industry and media that fracking will meet America's energy needs
How to answer TransCanada’s pipeline spin
These talking points, prepared by the Council of Canadians, provide clear and pointed answers to TransCanada's lies, damned lies, and pipeline promotion spin.
Is the climate sick of us?
Video: Ian Angus, interviewed in Lisbon in 2010