Le Devoir, the francophone newspaper of record in Canada, reviews new French translation of Facing...
Tag - Ian Angus
‘A contribution to a genuinely materialist ecology’
Éric Pineault’s preface to the French edition of Facing the Anthropocene: “Ian Angus offers a...
The progress of this storm: Nature and society in a warming world
Andreas Malm’s powerful critique of current environmental philosophies puts historical materialism...
Face à l’anthropocène: Le capitalisme fossile et la crise...
Facing the Anthropocene, by Ian Angus, will soon be available in French, published by Éditions...
Do seven cheap things explain the history of capitalism?
A new book by Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore replaces concrete historical analysis with an artificial...
Top ten Climate & Capitalism articles in 2017
The 109 articles we published in Climate & Capitalism in 2017 were read by more people than ever...