Every hour, the world’s largest oil company makes $5 million in profits ++++++++++++++ by Rebecca Leber Climate Progress, January 31, 2012 ExxonMobil had the largest profits of the Big Five oil companies in 2011, raking in $41.1 billion for...
Ian Angus on population and the environment
Audio recording of Ian Angus on WBAI-FM, New York, January 28, 2012 Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and land Andreas Malm: Revolutionary Strategy in a Warming World Ian Angus: COP21, the climate...
How can the climate change movement move ahead in 2012?
It is important not to underestimate the harm caused by the failure of negotiations in Copenhagen and Durban — but it is equally important not to succumb to pessimism. +++++++++++++ by Elaine Graham-Leigh Counterfire (UK), January 24, 2012 In...
NZ socialist group dissolves to build ecosocialist movement
Resolution adopted by the 2012 convention of the New Zealand group Socialist Workers Organization ++++++++++ The defining event of our times is world capitalism’s historic slide towards collapse under the chaotic, intersecting and escalating...
Secret documents expose Ottawa's tar sands enemies list; Environmentalists seek guarantee of regulator's impartiality
As the Harper government works with oil companies to slander and discredit opponents of tar sands, will the supposedly impartial regulator be trusted? Related posts… (auto-generated) First Nations pull out of tar sands pipeline hearing Bella Bella:...
Hunger is a weapon of mass destruction
Every five seconds, a child under 10 dies of hunger. Thirty-five million people die each year from hunger or its immediate aftermath. One billion people are permanently and severely malnourished and the situation is becoming increasingly...
A warning for Africa: Carbon trading is a Ponzi scheme
The north’s climate debt to Africa should be paid not through such gambling but in genuine income transfers that reach ordinary people, who are taking the brunt of worsening climate chaos Related posts… (auto-generated) ‘Rain Bomb’ kills over 300 in...
The only thing green in biodiesel is money
It will take 200 years of continuous biodiesel production to pay off the carbon debt of the Indonesian palm plantations produce it … Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and land Guatemala: Blood...
John Ruskin: 'The real science of political economy'
[Quotes and Insights #22] “The real science of political economy, which has yet to be distinguished from the bastard science, as medicine from witchcraft, and astronomy from astrology, is that which teaches nations to desire and labour for the...
Why do pale green NGOs support Obama?
The Sierra Club’s advertising campaign and its praise for Obama reveal how little it takes to appease mainstream, corporate-minded environmentalists. Related posts… (auto-generated) Obama's climate speech: No cause for celebration The...
Greedy Lying Bastards
Best movie title of 2012! A new documentary film exposes the environmental destruction, illness and death caused by the fossil fuel industry Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and land Strategy and...
Attenborough asks corporations to protect wilderness from poor people
Since we can’t stop poor people from breeding, let’s build fences to keep them out. And let’s ask the world’s biggest polluters to pay for the fences. Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and land A...
So far, the 21st century has had nine of the ten hottest years on record
So much for the claim that global warming is over … Related posts… (auto-generated) Summer 2021 set global land temperature record Lancet report: Health impact of climate change impact is ‘the major threat of 21st century’ Ecosocialists debate...
UN food agencies: in bed with agribusiness
Giant food producers are buying influence, often through supposedly “charitable” foundations, to ensure that the UN shares their market-driven approaches Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and land...
Future World Bank president explains why Africa is 'vastly underpolluted'
Obama’s nominee believes that “the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable” Thanks to Doug Henwood for this So Obama’s going to nominate Larry Summers to be president of the...
The largest oil spills in history, 1901 to present
This interactive map shows the largest oil spills from tanker accidents and drilling operations, as well as a number of other notable spills Related posts… (auto-generated) Pipeline regulators schmooze while oil spills Malaysia: Largest...
"Towards Ecosocialism" proposes major shift for New Zealand socialist group
“We must be activists, but not as part of a separate organisation. Rather, our activism should occur as part of existing red and green groups, anywhere there is sufficient overlap in practice to allow us to raise our ecosocialist ideas.”...
Democracy and the pathology of wealth
Video: social critic and noted author Michael Parenti on the reality of capitalism in corporate America. Related posts… (auto-generated) 1% own 43% of global wealth, while billions have no wealth at all Climate prescriptions that won’t cure...
First Nations: Harper attack means 'the fix is in' for tar sands pipeline review
“To imply that our decision against Enbridge has been manipulated is deeply disrespectful of First Nations people, and our many neighbours who have joined our cause and support our decision to refuse this pipeline.” Related posts… (auto...
Haitian peasant leader: Peasant farming can cool the planet; Food sovereignty can solve the climate crisis
La Via Campesina fights industrial food production, which is responsible for more than 50 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions Related posts… (auto-generated) What the new IPCC report says about climate change and land Feminism and the global...